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Liwal Digital University is looking for volunteer teaching faculty to develop online content and other roles where you can make a contribution to tuition free higher education in Afghanistan. If you are interested to volunteer for developing online or face to face content, or want any role for contribution please click on "Join Us" button below and create your profile. During registration in the Application form explain what subject and degree you want to teach or any other role for contribution in the university.
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Advisory board: Digital Education
The Digital Education Board is made up of professionals and academics working on developing degrees programs and activities.
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Prof. Mohammad Azeem Ebrahimi
Dr. Ajab Gul Momand
Volunteer faculty
Following faculties volunteered to develop teaching courses for Tuition free Liwal Digital University. If you are an academic, be among the first 50 volunteers and educate the nation. #LiwalUniversity
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Eng. Khushal Khan Liwal
Eng. Adam Khan Liwal
Eng. Zaroka Liwal
Ms. Malalai Liwal
Eng. Mirwais Liwal
Ms. Gulalai Liwal
Mr. Saif Rahman Khplwak
Mr. عبدالله ځلاند
Mr. Mujib Abid
Mr. Irfanullah Azimi
Mr. Faisal Azizi
Mr. Rafiullah Zaland
Dr. Aftab Khan
Mr. Wakman Samim Amin
Mr. Mohammad Sadeq Nazari
Ms. Salma Abid
Mr. Mujtaba Haidari
Mr. Waliullah karimi
Mr. Nada ul Haq Shamalzai
Mr. Mirwais Jalil
Dr. Hamayoon Mallyar
Dr. Mohammad Ishaq Stanikzai